Hello and welcome to the official blog of Tina Bettison (the Fizz Doctor) and Fizz Coaching. It’s taken me forwever to find the best way to impart my knowledge and I think I might just have found it in blogging. At long last I can write articles and information pages to help you build confidence and beat the nerves in your horse riding. Whether you are a returning, new or nervous rider wanting a confidence boost or a seasoned equestrian looking for a way to build your competitive edge, everything you need and want to know will find its way onto this site.

I’ll also be building a section for trainers too with wads of info on sports psychology, neuro linguistic programming, cognitive behavioural psychology, psychocybernetics and more… plus techniques for relaxation, goal setting, imagery, visualisation, motivation, effective training states, peak performance, being in the flow, learning styles, focus and concentration – all specifically in the context of horse riding.

I might be controversial, I might question the establishment, I be a bit way out in my thinking sometimes, but I fully intend to be educational, inspirational and thought provoking so visit often and feel free to participate through comments and questions. You can email me directly at tina@fizzcoachingclinic.com or post in the appropriate place. 

If you haven’t already joined the Fizz Club then sign up now at www.fizzcoachingclinic.com. You’ll receive the Seven Secrets to Feeling the Fizz not the Fear as soon as you confirm your free subscription plus 20 weekly tips for riding inspiration.

Let’s get fizzing!!!

Tina B